1. En ambos, al comienzo de la creación (Génesis, en el caso de la biblia) los animales fueron creados antes que el hombre.
4. En ambos textos el pecado principal es la soberbia, En el popol vuh existieron personajes que fueron altaneros se creían poderosos como los dioses, en la biblia numerosos reyes antiguos elevaron su dignidad a la de un dios y por ello sus reinados fueron destruidos.
ESpero que te ayude!!!!!
(4.) strong nomadic leadership wanting to expand their lands
Article v
(copied and pasted from a doc i read once)
The <u><em>initiative</em></u> allows voters to write proposals for laws and constitutional amendments. Twenty-four states in the U.S. allow the use of the initiative process, but some restrict the content of the proposals. The processes are outlined in Article V of the state constitution. The very first initiative involved the building and location of the state capitol. Oklahoma City was chosen as the site for the new capital. Another important initiative was passed in 1912 to allow direct election of U.S. senators, rather than having the state legislature choose them. The U.S. Constitution was amended (Amendment 17) to allow direct election of U.S. senators in every state the following year.
A because he was very optimistic.
5000 B.C. is when the first civilization emerged in the river vallys. 4 people found this useful