I am not quite sure what you want because that is not a question. Therefore there cannot be an answer. But, if you were looking for an opinion on that sentence I can give you that. First of all, caressed may not be the right word to use. You could go into more detail though.
Such as:
The sun looked down upon the plant, it reached out and lifted it up from the rain.
It could be along those lines, I hope that helps I really didn't know what you wanted to hear.
No. They're heroes in everyday life. You could call police officers heroes A hero is a person idolized for their courage.
Jonas dreamt that he was with his school friend Fiona in the bathhouse at the old folks ‘ home. In the dream, Jonas had a strong felling of desire,something he described as “waiting. .....she explained that felling of ‘waning’ was of something their society called ‘stirrings.
I think Romeo truly loves Juliet because when he fount our Juliet was (dead) he was willing to kill himself just to be with her,if you don’t call that true love then idk what it is.
we are allowed to put opinions right?