Microvilli is very common in these cells. They increase the absorption area.
Epithelial cell surfaces show different structure shapes that allow the cells to adapt to and accomplish their functions. Most of these structures are related to the absorption surface and the need to move substances.
The development of microvilli is very common in epithelial cells. These are folds or finger-like projections emerging from the apical surface of the cell. <u>Their principal function is to absorb</u>. The microvilli of the intestinal epithelium are very uniform in size and distribution.
The four organelles that contribute to the synthesis, transport, packaging, and export of proteins to the extracellular environment are Nucleus, RIBOSOMES, rough endoplasmic recticulum and Golgi apparathus.
The nucleus is the organelle that produced RIBOSOMES.
RIBOSOMES are organelles responsible for protein synthesis production of proteins.
The protein produced by the RIBOSOMES are then gathered in the rough endoplasmic recticulum . It then export and transport the protein to Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus modifies and package the protein.
Deforestation because without trees and plants, they are nothing to convert CO2 into Oxygen.
Expendable properties are those properties that are consume in use or that lose their identity in use. It also include those properties that become an integral part of other property when put to use and those properties which have an expected service life of less than one year. One example of expendable properties is materials and supplies given to an army unit.