1. Cope, treat, control, handle, treat
2. trouble, worry, dilemma
3. Relax, unwind, rest, unlax
4. Healthy, healthful
5. Adequate, abundant, decent, sufficing
6. Daily, day-to-day, often, periodically, regularly, regular, routinely
7. belittle, criticize, slam, slander,
8. abounding, bounteous, bountiful, countless, innumerable, plentiful
9. Cramped, inflexible, solid, rigid, stiff, tense, tightened
10. Depressed, morose, pessimistic, unhappy, blue, destroyed, dispirited, down, dragged low, bad, cast-down, glum, grim, let-down, low-spirited, woebegone
11. Afraid, anxious, panicky, startled, petrified, shaken, terrified, aghast, panic-stricken, terror-stricken
12. Fatigue, weariness, debilitation, enervation, expenditure, feebleness, lassitude, prostration
Capitalize My and Marty and put a period after spoon and you could of did this
(Is this sentence written correctly)
Corrected the sentence :P
My uncle Marty has some strange habits, including eating meat with a spoon.
(Is this sentence written correctly)