They or He
Because both those are used in the Third person point of view
What story does this go to?
"Oil spills affect water in a variety of ways. When oil is released into water, it does not blend with the water. Oil floats on the surface of salt and fresh water. Over a very short period of time, the oil spreads out into a very thin layer across the surface of the water. This layer, called a slick, expands until the oil layer is extremely thin. It then thins even more. This layer is called a sheen and is usually less than 0.01 mm thick."
Alcinous is the king of Phaeacia, and he places Odysseus on one of his magicL ships that finally returns him to Ithaca. Alcinous's wife, Queen Arete, is likewise impressed with the godly stranger, and Alcinous is so impressed that he offers Odysseus the hand of his daughter, Nausicaa, in marriage.