Your answer would be D. sentence 6 hopefully this helps!
The sunspot has a central dark area which is called the Umbra, which appears dark because it's cooler than the rest of the sun's surface, with some lighter spots, and that center is surrounded by a lighter filamentary area, called the Penumbra, that flows outward. Hope this helps!:)<span />
Social media posts are just temporary.
All social media posts are permanent. They cant be taken back ever.
An animal which a predator feeds upon is prey.
C - Communication about the culture that bring people together
U - Understanding other peoples cultures and accepting them
L - Lifes culture and religion is part of a way of life
T - Trusting cultures with things (your culture etc)
U - Underrated cultures that not many people know about, but still are important
R - Religions can be part of culture
E - Equality that all cultures should be fair
just a rough one but it should still be fine if like its made a bit clearer