I believe the answer is:
women express their feelings verbally more than men do,
while men tend to prefer to keep the emotions at bay or express it througb non-verbal actions.
women and men show only a few differences in sexual attitudes and behavior.
Generally, men and women enjoy sex equally. Few differences could be said on female mate selection that put status in society as a more crucial factors compared to men on average.
there is very little difference in the way that men and women provide support.
Instinctually, humans would give words or encouragement or by intimate touch (hugs or kisses) to provide support.
negative correlation
is show between education and fertility where educated woman tend to focus more on school and worry themselves in climbing a career ladder than woman that is more fertile and stay at home with no education or career to look forward too.In most cases they spend so much time making babies because they free time of doing nothing.
It began after the Stock Market Crash of 1929