Education is a vital way that change can be implemented into the world, as the most profound changes start simply with the younger generations. They are the future leaders, politicians, doctors, teachers, and producers that will grow to shape this world. But how do they get there? With education! It is the job of educators to give the younger generation the skills and ideas they need to change the planet. Education trains the future workforce and in turn has a major grasp on how the world functions.
--Hope this helps :)
In this short story by Ray Bradbury we can find many technologies similar to those we have today.
Here I will leave a list with the technological items in the story and their similar at present:
- The voice of the clock in the room: Although we do not use a clock that tells us "time to get up" over and over again, it is very common to have an alarm clock with some personalized sound, we can even put some song for the cell phone alarm.
- The breakfast oven that prepares the toasts: Today there are microwaves that you can program with a timer to turn them on.
- The voice that speaks about the news and the bills pending payment: This could be similar to the alarms or reminders that we program on our cell phone, where we can write down from birthdays to due dates of bills.
- The automatic garage door: Today there are automated doors that open at the push of a button.
- The dishwashing machine: That exists today, with the only difference that each person must put dirty dishes there.
- Mechanical mice: What resembles this today are electric vacuum cleaners, also programmable that one can leave to vacuum the house on their own.
- The garden water jets: This is also something that is used today.
Time heals all wounds. Possible kindness is rewarded but the former makes more sense to me :)
The phrase "hung it" is repeated multiple times in the phrase to emphasize the importance of the event.
Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia
In the play, we are presented with many variations and interpretations of mental sickness that Lady Macbeth develops, being the central one madness. However, madness would be too general and abstract to answer this question. Diving deeper in her symptoms, it becomes more and more logic (however not explicit) that she suffered from bipolar disorder, by showing the symptoms of inflated or self-esteem grandiosity. Another possibility is that she had at the same time schizophrenia developing psychosis and hearing voices.