I think it's the first one, "I watched you wander off"
By the way, I think it's called alliteration but I could be wrong.
The correct answer is "the desire of wise men".
In her play "Frankenstein" (1823), Mary Shelley uses different syntactic strategies in order to put emphasis on certain information. For example, she could have written something like this: "within my grasp is the study and desire of the wisest men...".
Instead, she chose to present the information in a rhetorical way. She introduced the "wh" word "what" opening the window for the reader to question himself what is the meaning of "what"?
What is THAT THING that had been the study and desire of wisest men since the creation of the world? What did they want to know?
Throught the entire speech, Eisenhower tone remains positive and sincere. He speaks like he is just another average person, which makes him seem friendly. Example, Eisenhower ends the speech with a simple and unpretentious ¨Thank you, and good night¨and not with the new almost obligatory, ¨God bless the United States of America¨
Remember that aesthetic is refered, in simple words, as the theory of beauty. It is used a lot in art, in this case literature. To fulfil it's purpose some questions are asked. For example: What makes things beautiful? or Which elements contribute to it's beauty and how?
As you can see, this a very complex concept, philosophers, artists, and intelectuals continue debating on it's elements and characteristics. In this case we are talking about an aesthetic impact, that means a feeling that is inspired by the beauty of a story.
My answer would be: B. A woman who grew up poor strikes it rich with an innovation that helps others.
I chose this option because of the previous story that can be infered. We can infer she had a difficult time growing up, fighting against a lot of obstacles. Knowing that in the end she was able to overcome all that with the characteristic that she did it in a way she is helping others, makes the reader feel satisfied as he had joined her in her experiences through the story.