"The Pact" is a remarkable story about the friendship of three young men. This story shows the power of friendship in which three young black
men make a promise and fulfill a dream written by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt, and Lisa Frazier.
<span>All three miss out
many things by not having fathers, they have experienced an absence of male
role models, they depend on their teachers and union of their friendship which
provides them with the confidence and they move forward to fulfill their dreams.</span>
The answer is B: The rebels will not be able to hurt Arthur
"A Fortunate Mistake"
"Hello" I said when I answered my phone
"Hi, is this the su***de hotline?" The stranger said. He sounded like he was crying.
"No. This isn't but maybe I can help?" I said. Worried.
"N-No sorry. I'm sorry for bothering you Ma'am" He said.
Maybe I should try to keep him on the phone. Try to see if I can help him.
"It's okay. What's your name?" I said.
"M-my name is Joey" He said still sounding like he's crying.
"Hi Joey. My name is Lizzie. Where are you from?" I said trying to distract him from whats making him cry.
"I-I'm from L-Liverpool" he said stuttering.
"Oh! I'm from Liverpool too!" I said excitedly trying to make him feel better.
This is all I could think of try to think of how to continue this. And I know it's not that great. <em>
Good luck!</em></h2>
They thought his brother was going to die so they named him William Armstrong. They thought it would look good on a grave.
Although William didn't die, So his brother gave him a new name.
And doodle was his new name.
Good Luck! :)