Before the Europeans came over to Africa, they had a slave trade. Africans in power, such as kings, would capture other Africans and enslave them, especially if they were from a tribe they were fighting. When the Europeans came over, the African kings started to trade these captured people for technology, like guns. The Europeans would them put them onto miserable ships and they would be brought over to America.
With Spain they signed a Pinckney Treaty
Today, people have divided into groups due to diversity.
The Golden Age of Athens, the Age of Pericles, and Pentekontaetia are all names for the time period when Athens reached its height of power and prosperity. It began in 478 B.C. and lasted for approximately fifty years until 431 B.C. In the beginning of its so-called “Golden Age”, Athens was just coming out of the Persian Wars as leader of the Delian League, and they were beginning their rise to power. At the end of this prosperous era, Athens had made huge advancements in their government, architecture, art, literature, science, and philosophy. Their accomplishments in these areas influence essentially every aspect of society today.