Plot. Two migrant field workers in California on their plantation during the Great Depression—George Milton, an intelligent but uneducated man, and Lennie Small, a bulky, strong man but mentally disabled—are in Soledad on their way to another part of California
The effect of the narrative description of Huck's father is of a man who is not looked after, who is poverty stricken and unkempt and with low self esteem and for example re his hair that was greasy and hung down ie was dirty and not combed shows this. Also, from the sounds of it he was lily white, what we might call someone 'white trash' white these days.
it has a positive impact on depression, anxiety, etc and It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better.
Whenever we are trying to incorporate a coordinating conjunction to combine two sentences, it is not necessary to use commas.
=> The conjunction itself is used to combine both the sentences so, using a commas is an unnecessary thing!
Last one, mrs. It's supposed to be Mrs. Potter