The ESA has done more good than harm because it has help to prevent total EXTINCTION and eradication of some plants and animals that might have been wiped out from there kingdom due to human use or environmental factors. Ihas also brought about recovery of palnts and animals that might have been lost
The ESA act has been so significant and useful to wild animals because it has prevented these animals from being wiped out or terminated from existing in the forest. It has serve as a cover law to makes this species live longer and not erased away due to environmental or human use for some purposes. The Act has also helped lots of animal and plants to come back to live due to some restrictions the law has brought in to control the extinction
There are many different ways poets can use visuals to affect the poem; these graphic elements include simple things like line length, word position, punctuation, and capitalization
rap cashing very highlight news but bad news.
I think frnd For rap casheas man and also people are our country rules are not move they don't have a stay any other country and discipline have a moment all frnd. I am all ready simple man don't smoke, alcohol any other.
A.) lines 6-9
If the British march
By land or sea from the town to-night,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry-arch
Of the North-Church-tower, as a signal-light, —
One if by land, and two if by sea;