A) Music and memory are very cohesive.
Psychologies say the reason for this is because Music triggers lots of nerves in many areas of the brain. The areas according to research that is usually triggered when we listen to music are
- the auditory region;
- the Motor region and
- the limbic nerves or region. The limbic region is most associated with our emotions. Emotions are strongly related to memory recall.
B) The song the by Joyner will always trigger the event because it was highly emotional. The event triggers heated discussion regarding many other similar events where a particular kind of people have been consistently treated like they were sub-human without any serious repercussion to the perpetrators the inhumane acts.
The song by Joyner using rhymes, and poetry cleverly addresses the issues and preaches understanding and change of mindset.
John Smith who created good relations with the Powhatans and taught the people of Jamestown basic living things such as agriculture.
1.they are smaller then you think
2.ants ar capable of carrying object 50 times their own body weight
3.ants will inslave other ants and make them do their work for their colony
4. ants along side the dinosaurs
5.ants started forming 70 million years before humans
6.some ants form super colonies that are communities of ants that can stretch for thousands of miles
7. ants follow sent trails laid by scout ants to gather food weight of all ants in the world is bigger then the total weight of all humans
9.ants are the longest living of all insects
10. ants can be a variety go different colors and sizes
I think the answer is A. an email letter