it is a geologic time period
<u>5.5 months of daylight and 6 months of darkness</u>
- Daylight varies with time f the year and sun stilt around the arctic circle gets 24 hours of day and night each summer and winter months. The intensity of sunlight in the arctic is much less as in tropics.
- During the equinoxes, every location the earth has equal amounts of day and night patterns even the poles that lie on the end have viral or spring equinoxes.
- The North Pole when the sun dops at 12 degrees below. Thus the sun rises around the vernal equinox in March. Then the sun stays in about six months. Sun again around the autumnal equinox in Sept.
- Hence if you live in or near the north pole the daylight time is quite less.
The correct answer is - C. Volcanic derived carbon dioxide gas bubbled from the lake and suffocated people and animals nearby.
In the summer of 1986, more specifically on the August 21st, a big tragedy happened in Cameroon. The Lake Nyos, located in the northwestern part of the country experienced a limnic eruption. This eruption triggered the release of very large amounts of carbon dioxide from the lake. The exact amount of carbon dioxide that was released is debatable, and the general consensus is that it was between 100,000 and 300,000 tons of the gas, though there are suggestions that it was up to 1.6 million tons.
The gas spread around very quickly, and being heavier than the air it stuck very low. In a radius of around 25 km from the lake, lot of people and animals were suffocated. The estimates are that 1746 people died and around 3,500 livestock died, not even counting the damage that has been done to the wild animals.
La responsabilidad principal del Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (CENAPRED) consiste en apoyar al Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (SINAPROC) en los requerimientos técnicos que su operación demanda.
por favor, dígame si esto ayudó o no, y ¿puedo tener ideas
neither of you are right
china and japan are two completely different countries. Both people from each country are asian, but each are chinese and japanese respectively.