The correct answer is option A: He tells him the "giants" are windmills.
Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in two parts, published respectively in 1605 and 1615. Sancho and Don Quixote come across a field of windmills, which Don Quixote sees as a group of giants. Sancho tells him they are not giants but windmills. Don Quixote replied that Sancho is not experienced in these matters, and that is why he can not see that they are clearly giants. Then, Sancho tries to dissuade Quixote, but he attacks one of the windmills, damaging his spear and acquiring some injuries. Sancho tells Quixote that it was foolish to attack the windmills. Quixote tells him that the evil magician Freston changed the giants into windmills to deprive him of his victory.
Answer: lady Macbeth is the one who force Macbeth to kill Duncan
Macbeth was a very good person in the very beginning of the story, later on his mind was changed by lady Macbeth and the three witches. He believe lady Macbeth blindfold. Even though at the beginning he refuses lady Macbeth's word to kill Duncan but later on his bind was changed by lady Macbeth and she forced Macbeth to kill Duncan. After killing Duncan he displaced all the evidence including washing his body. How much he clean his hand he feels that he can still be smell the smell of Duncan's blood that's why he said
"be permanently stained from his blood."
A letter, autobiography, and others are primary source information.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) the versatile dramatist used contemporary social, political and religious problems as subjects for his plays. Pygmalion, perhaps the only one of his many plays in which he points out to his audience and his readers that he has used an ancient classical myth to explore a problem that is not merely contemporary but one that has lasted through time. This myth is the story of Pygmalion – Galatea which has been told and retold by several later writers in differing forms. In the most familiar version of this myth, Pygmalion was the king of Cyprus. He was also a great sculptor who used to make beautiful statues of bronze, marble and ivory. He was devoted to his art and always sought for perfection at any. Dressed in Opera Cloak with diamonds, fan, flowers and all other accessories she passes like a Duchess, creating sensation in the whole atmosphere. Nepummuck, the marvelous interpreter (and Higgins’ previous student also to whom he taught phonetics) identifies her as a Hungarian princess. Thus her success at the ambassador’s reception is overwhelming. But the experiment is followed by its aftermath. As euphoria of triumph is over, Eliza is faced with the stark reality. She has become disclassed, left unfit for her old life and unable for her old life and unable to forge a new one Eliza is tragic in her fear and despair. Higgins is also quite unsentimental and unromantic in his approach to Eliza. Looking to this attitude of Professor Higgins Eliza shouted on him asking; “What am I fit for? Where am I to go? What am I to do? What to become of me? Higgins’ this attitude of indifference drives her to Freddy, who worships her. Eliza leaves Higgins house and so takes decisive step into the future. Shaw explains the sexual attitude of Higgins towards Eliza in terms of the Oedipus Complex. In Appendix he says “If an imaginative boy has a suffering rich mother who has intelligence, personal grace, dignity of character without harshness and a cultivated sense of the best art of her time to enable her to make her house beautiful.