Option a==> yellow-dog contracts.
In the United States of America, there was a period( 1920s and early 1930s) that in order to secure a job, the employees has to come into aggreement with the employers that they will never form or join any union relating to labour. This case was very rampant in the public sector of the economy in which people seeking for work has to give up their rights to protest for unjustice ( for example teachers during those times were not to join any labour union).
The reason behind yellow-dog contracts is to make sure that employers are able to stop workers from protesting.
Therefore, we can see from the Explanation above that Rosedale Shoe Factory was making use of yellow-dog contracts.
Idk I just needed ask A question soooo yea
Answer: This concept can be used to determine the acceptable level of risk, by placing the amount of risk in a given situation to balance against time, trouble, cost, and physical difficulty of taking precautions to avoid risk. If a balance is seen with risk against this variables, then the risk is acceptable.
The pitfall to applying this concept are as follows;
• it doesn't guarantee safety.
• it is always expensive, if we want to apply this principle to it best.
• it doesn't have a standard order for all kinds of risk. The application varies from risk to risk, also depending on locations of the risk.
Explanation: The ALARP principle is that risk shall be reduced as far as reasonably practicable. This means that zero risk can not be achieved. But we can achieve zero accident, using the ALARP principle.
Before we can boast for achieving ALARP, we must check if the risk is equal or less than time spent,cost, the trouble or challenge, and the physical difficulty of taking a good measure to avoid the risk. If the risk is equal or less than this variables, that means that the risk has been reduced as far as reasonably practicable.
The 3rd most populated country in the world.