The best way to avoid paying interest on your credit card is to pay off the balance in full every month. You can also avoid other fees, such as late charges, by paying your credit card bill on time.
hope this helps...
A because " should only be used over the words actually said
The mentioned poem, which expresses one person's emotion and reflection in a song-like way, is called a Ballad.
Option A.</h3>
'She dwelt among the untrodden ways' is a three stanza ballad written by the renowned William Wordsworth. Ballads are usually na type of poem where the poet narrates a story in short stanzas. In this poem, the narrator narrates the story of a young woman, Lucy who died at a young age and the narrator is mourning her loss.
The poem consist of three stanzas: In the first stanza the poet describes the place where Lucy lived, the second stanza depicts her innocence and beauty, while the third stanza puts forward the lonesome death of Lucy.
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