You could probably figure out that the boys in the story are English schoolboys, and were more than likely being evacuated from their home country to escape the possibility of atomic warfare. (Does this help?)
Denotation is the literal definition of the word that can be found in the dictionary. while Connotation is the feeling of the definition of the word.
Hope this helps!
Relative dating is the science of determining the relative order of past events, without necessarily determining their absolute age. In geology, rock or superficial deposits, fossils and lithologies can be used to correlate one stratigraphic column with another.
Dear mom,
Oh my goodness I see so much stuff up here. There is this wierd red dust that feels funny and I brought it into this building that was up here from NASA and it has oxygen in it. So I did some expierements on it and it is so cool. I love it up here minus the part I have to wear a suit everytime I go outside and I barley get sleep because my body doesnt allow me to. I feel like im loosing alot of weight. I saw this wierd camera thingy and it looked at me, I think it was from NASA but i dont know. I stepped in the hole yesterday and almost hurt myself.