The earth as we know it, is always evolving, so every minimal act that we perform for it, can make a change. To create a story about a hero, I would use a park as the setting. I would catalog as a villain, anyone who throws garbage, as it directly affects our ecosystem and contributes to the destruction of the planet. A hero in this case, would be that person who is inclined to pick up garbage, or who performs the proper recycling of these. Directly, it contributes a grain of sand to protect our planet, and indirectly saving the lives of us all. The main value found here is education, so important to substise and lead a harmonious life.
It is computer mediated. Mass media could not be the answer because before computers, there was still mass communication for almost 60 years prior than computers. The newspaper was a form of mass communication and that style is age old. Case in point, the answer is computer mediated.