Today, I went to school. I learned about many things. Then, my parents brought me home. I started my homework soon after.
The root word of circumspect comes from the Latin word circumspectus, which comes from the Latin word circum meaning to look around/inspect
Some themes you might consider in the play include:
Power and ambition
What it means to be masculine and feminine
Trying to persuade
What it means to be a (good/bad) leader
The importance of omens
The difference between villains and heroes
He died so unexpectedly
'Where have you gone charming billy' ~ is like is a joke you right, you're not dead but went somewhere or to get something. He never expected it so he laughed maybe he will come out of this hallucinations or dream.
Answer: 3. Metaphor
Explanation: The text compares two things without using like or as