Call to adventure.
1- Gilgamesh accepts his call for adventure and he faces Enkidu who makes Gilgamesh less arrogant.
Explanation: In fact, Gilgamesh is half God and half human. He feels comfortable with this condition but the Gods make him get out of this comfort and face Endiku.
2- Gilgamesh is sad because Enkidu, who ,finally, becomes his friend, dies, so he starts his quest for eternal life and he meets Utnapishtim who gives him the secret herb for immortality.
Explanation: The hero meets a Mentor who gives him some reward to help him continue with the most difficult part of his journey.
Answer: A, A, C, She forgave them because she's kind-hearted and generous and gracious, The final two paragraphs are about the morals of the story, as the story is meant to show that if you're kind to everyone even if they're bitter to you, things will work out as they should in the end.
I read the story...?
Where is the paragraph?
Sorry but i cant help without the paragraph!
He was shocked when she kissed him, because she was white. This shows that interracial relationships or any sort of intimacy was unusual for people in Maycomb. He was also scared because he knew that it wasn't normal for that to happen and worried about what would happen and or what people would say because she was a white woman, and no one was going to believe that he didn't kiss her back.
Hope this helps!