To write a Sonnet, First we should know some basics information about it.
A sonnet shows a single idea, but it is generally an idea that evolve and expands, with multiple facets, leading to a conclusion – and all within a very specified rhyming scheme.
There are three simple steps to write sonnet-
- Think of an idea for your sonnet.
The idea can be about your feeling, thoughts, person, favourite items etc.
- Your sonnet must rhyme in a specific pattern
Your 14 line sonnet must be written in three sets of four lines and one set of two lines.
- Your sonnet must have a metrical pattern
In this write your sonnet in iambic pentameter. That means that you must use iambus. Iambus is another word for a two-syllable foot.
you can also go through this link to know examples of sonnet
Hello audiences!
A very good morning to everyone.My heart warming welcome to all of you.It is going to be an event full of excitement.This event will be held between The New york yankees from and Boston red sox.
This fact is known to everyone that both the teams are best baseball teams.Their performance has always been outstanding.I hope today's performance will be equally good.
Let's have a look at the players in each team.
The new york yankees is hosted by Robert Siegel and Boston red sox is hosted by David.
Toss has been won by New york yankees ,who decided to bat first. Michael, who is the player of the team New york yankees,is really an interesting player to watch. He remains in energetic form.He has come to start the game for New york yankees.
I- what is happening here?
The correct answer is letter A, because Hyperlinks can be used although you have no internet connection. Using hyperlinks can be useful to jump to different parts of a text, but it doesn't mean that you will narrow your search for information.
Synecdoche - <span>They drive their keels o'er the darkling wave</span>
Alliteration - Grim and greedy, he grasped
Kenning - The whale-path
Epithet - The Ruler-of-Man