the low number of casualties once again showing the strength of patriot forces.The Patriot victory at Great Bridge had an impact on the course of the American Revolution that was out of all proportion to its size. It made the British position in Virginia untenable. It resulted in Virginia being free of any organized British presence for five critical years - free to provide massive amounts of men and supplies to the Continental Army with virtually no enemy interference. one of the earliest, smallest, shortest, least known yet most important actions of the American Revolution took place in Virginia within the present-day city of Chesapeake.
Hinduism - Hinduism - Karma, samsara, and moksha: Hindus generally accept the doctrine oftransmigration and rebirth and the complementary belief in karma.
Merchants from the north and south then met to exchange goods in Ghana. By 800 Ghana was firmly in control of West Africa's trade routes. Nearly all trade between northern and southern Africa passed through Ghana. With so many trespassing through their lands, Ghana's rulers looked for ways to make money from them.