Pardon? Can you show the question with the picture I can help you
The family of ___________________________________
This celebrity is called _____________________________________________.
he/her have ___________ years. him/she is from ____________________________.
He/She lives in _______________________. He/She has a family _____________.
(big/ little).
He/She has colored hair _____________ and colored eyes _________________.
He/ She is _____________________, ___________________ and __________________. (physical description of your celebrity with 3 adjectives. Use Orange cards to help you).
Its (family member) ______________________ is named ____________________.
He/She is________________________ and __________________________________.
(add 2 physical traits)
I translated it since I know the language your welcome.
In the Inca community, who owned the land? is what it say hope that helps.
Viajar en tren es caro. Vaijar en carro es mas caro que viajar en bus. Vaijar en avion es caro.
Viajar en tren es muy comodo. Vaijar en carro es mas comodo que vaijar en avion.
what tense does it need to be in?