In an isosceles triangle that has exactly two equal sides, the equal sides are called legs and the third side is called the base. The angle included by the legs is called the vertex angle and the angles that have the base as one of their sides are called the base angles.
find y=mx+b for line parallel to AB.
The line that is parallel will have the same slope as line AB:
the slope of line AB is
Since the line going through X is parallel the vertical distance of the new line to AB is the same for all values of the domain(x-axis).
at x=-5 the point X has the y value of 10 which is 4 more than the y value for AB based on the graph.
To find the intercept b of the line going through X that is parallel to AB we just add 4 to the intercept of AB, which is 4 so
At the end of Round 3, David's score would be 2000.
I would either use a histogram or a frequency chart, but histogram is easier and neater