The A and B antigens in humans may be found in water-soluble form in secretions, including saliva, of some individuals (Se/Se an
d Se/se) but not in others (se/se). The population thus contains "secretors" and "nonsecretors."...... In matings between individuals that are blood type AB and type O, both of whom are Se/se, which of the following phenotypes will be seen? A) AB,secretor
B) AB, nonsecretor
C) B, secretor
D) B, Nonsecretor
E) A, secretor
F) A, nonsecretor
G) O, secretor
H) O, Nonsecretor
When you cross AB(codominant) with O(homozygote recessive), it will result in 50% A(IaIo) and 50% B(IaIo).
The secretor gene is dominant and both parents are a heterozygote, so the ratio of offspring genotype should be 1 : 2: 1 while the ratio of the phenotype will be 3 secretors: 1 nonsecretor.
It would lower the pH, raise the acidity of the water, and it would kill off a lot of marine life if it got too high. As species begin to die their predators follow, and this could cause mass extinction.