Answer:Unit Essential Question: What does learning about the choices people made during the Weimar Republic, the rise of the Nazi Party, and the Holocaust teach us about the power and impact of our choices today?
How did the Nazi Party, a small and unpopular political group in 1920, become the most powerful political party in Germany by 1933?
Through class discussion and a written response, students will examine how choices made by individuals and groups contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party in the 1920s and 1930s.
Students will label the 1920 Nazi Party platform and use it to draw conclusions about the party’s universe of obligation and core values.
It shows how the president's power is limited by congress aka senate.
FDR was different from the fascist leaders of the Axis powers in what important way? FDR shared power with other branches of government. What was the main promise the Axis nations made to each other in the Tripartite Pact? Each nation would support the others' military conquests.
The correct answer is increase.
Government subsidies make it easier or more beneficial to provide the goods that the producers are offering (or to consume more), so the subsidized parties will produce more of their products, which will increase the supply.
The state of Virginia has always been quite diverse. But in the year 1619, it witnessed a massive inflow of Africans creating a cultural mix which became a part of Virginia. And the easiest way to earn more money in the state of Virginia was to grow tobacco. But the Native Americans failed to get the labor from the people. At first they relied on hiring labors from England and Europe. But this didn’t give them the number of workers they needed. Finally Virginia created its own slavery system. In this system the son born to a slave mother had to serve a slave for his entire life.