a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate. A nucleotide is the basic subunit of both DNA bad RNA. It contains a base with nitrogen, a 5-carbon sugar and a phosphate group.
The sugar molecules in the marshmallow are being changed into carbon. Sugar can be changed into water molecules. When you toast marshmallows, the heat causes a chemical reaction producing water molecules which then evaporate, leaving the carbon behind.
The respiratory system is made up of the organs involved in the interchanges of gases. It consists of the:
Throat (pharynx)
Voice box (larynx)
Windpipe (trachea)
Airways (bronchi)
Organ is an organism that is a collection of tissues and it perform a specific functions.It is found in the higher biological systems like plants, animals, and human beings. While the organelle is a part of a cell that specialized units and capable of performing a specific function for the cell. It is a very small subunits inside a cell.