Dialogue as a Tool for Characterization. In all forms of writing, dialogue can help writers flesh out their characters to make them more lifelike, and give readers a stronger sense of who each character is and where they come from.
Explanatio Dialogue is a wonderful way to show characterization, and also the relationships between your characters. Not only what people say, but the way they say it, gives the reader quality information about your character.n:
The line that best states that Juliet is too young to get married is Capulet's first line. "But say o'er what I had said before: My child is yet a stranger in the world; She hath not seen the change of fourteen years, Let two more summers wither in their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride."
Capulet is saying that Juliet is not familiar with what goes on in the world and that within her lifetime, she hasn't seen the change around her. He's saying that he wants her to spend two more summers at most, because he thinks she's too young to marry.
Hope this helps!
Signed, Liz
Prodigal can mean a lot.
B means revealing
C means to be able to be relied on
D means appearing to be true but isn't actually true.
Therefore A is the best option.
APA means the American Psychological Association (this is a style guide)
MLA means the Modern Language Association
Hope this helps and good luck with your assignment.