La Paz Armada (1870- 1914) es el nombre utilizado para describir el período de 1885 a 1914 anteriores a la Primera Guerra Mundial. Fue un momento de intensa carrera armamentista y alianzas militares entre varias naciones que se agruparon en dos grupos denominados Triple alianza y la Entente cordiale o Triple entente.
Answer: Disease (economic disruptions) Also keep in mind that bacterica, cancer, tumors etc. were not brought up till the 1980's - 2000's
Explanation: Look at my comment because it got cencored for some reason
through glacial deposits and ice cores
Scientists use ice to study ancient climates through glacial deposits and ice cores.
These two sources are fundamental to the study of ancient climates whose salient information has been preserved and locked in time through glacial deposits.
- A place can remain frozen for an extended period of time.
- Some gas bubbles can be trapped in the midst of ice being formed.
- These bubbles and compacting sequences of ice layers are used to interpret ancient climates.
- Ice cores are drilled an collected in barrels where they are taken to the laboratory for further studies.
- It is possible to even date each ice layer.
So, the solution is through glacial deposits and ice cores.
The appropriate response is Nicolaus Copernicus. The heliocentric model says that the sun is at the focal point of the universe, and the absence of the move of stars intended to them that they were moving around a similar thing the Earth was, or the Sun.