"We've tried to help you call for help, but it seems everyone is asleep. What do you want to do now? Would you like to call for the soldiers? Want us to call them for you? Soldiers are better than police right?" seems to be the best option
You seem to have every kind of verb form present in this selection. I'm going to list them all and what they do.
being blind: It is a participle and it is a participle phrase. But is it an adjective?
was is a linking verb for the main clause. It is not a candidate at all.
set is the predicate of the subordinate clause beginning with except not a candidate.
stood second main clause predicate verb.
gazed a verb form for the main clause.
had died. Main clause verb. Not the answer.
having been long enclosed is close. Unfortunately it is a gerund phrase which is an object of a preposition (from). It likely is the second best answer.
hung main clause verb.
found main clause verb
The rest don't matter they are linking verbs or main clause verbs or subordinate clause verbs.
The only one you really could choose is being blind. It describes street.
In these pages what happens is that the children feel frightened because of a "beast". But what is a beast to them turns out to be a person who has died.
Since this person is something they do not know, they are afraid of him.
This question refers to the story Lord of the flies by William Golding.
At this moment a dead man in a parachute lands on the island. It seems to come from the war. Anyway, the boys believe that the man is the "beast" and begins a chase to find and kill him. Only Simon doubts that such a creature exists and believes that the beast is a part of themselves and that they are only afraid of themselves. He goes into the woods to contemplate the situation as Jack and Ralph climb the mountain and find the beast, but they don't stay long enough to see that it is just a dead man.
Answrs: Part a) "Facts from a documentary.." This is talking about the benefits of artificial organs instead of donated ones.
Part b) "There are several ..." Because it is a sentence that is likely to precede facts. The others are opinions about how something 'SHOULD' be, and aren't presenting facts or claiming something.The first one 3ven says "I think..." which is clearly an opinion.