Because the land masses are getting closer not further apart
all the things are all the above because they have those to help the bears survive
Abiotic means not alive like rocks and soil. Abiotic Factor that affect the zebras in the grasslands is: water
Still trying to figure out the other abiotic factors.
Many parts of the cardiovascular system (including the heart) are influenced by gravity. On Earth, for example, the veins in our legs work against gravity to get blood back to the heart. Without gravity, however, the heart and blood vessels change – and the longer the flight, the more severe the changes.
The green house effect refers to gases trapping the heat energy reflected from earth’s surface.
gases trapping heat energy reflected from the earth's surface.
It is the greenhouse effect that made earth a planet that supports life. if there was no green house effect the earth would have been too cold to live on. Sunlight contains rays like UV and infrared.
UV rays being harmful are blocked by the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Infrared rays that enter the earth’s atmosphere are trapped by the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane etc. the trapped infrared rays help in providing warmth.