always circle or underline something that is used in the wrong context
The correct way to cite a newspaper article in print is
A. Green, Patrick. "Shakespeare's Masterpieces." The California Herald 2 June 2013 late ed.: B8. Print.
The format to follow for citing a newspaper article in MLA format;
Last name, First name "Article Title" <em>Newspaper Title </em>[city]<em> </em>Date Published: Page(s). Print.
Another example:
Smith, John. "Are Energy Drinks Hurting Our Teenagers?" <em>New York Times</em> 1 Jan. 2013: 1. Print
girls should be allowed to play high school football as long as they are safely protected
part b. there is no quote but heres something from google," Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage when it comes to the classroom."
mInecraft (Lol)
The design is very brilliant implementing a lego feel along with some real life visual such as grass, animals, and certain wood. Being a blocky sort of game with no type of ahem "Violence Aftermaths to the creatures/mobs" it is kid friendly but offers visuals pleasing to adults alike so yeah enjoy your answer sir or Ma'am :)
For Odysseus and his men, the loss of Helios, the sun, symbolizes a loss of C. Hope.
In poetry, light ( such as the sun, the moon, candles, stars) often symbolizes good, hope, and freedom.
In the lines <em>"Never the flaming eye of Helios lights on those men at morning, when he climbs the sky of stars, nor in descending earthward out of heaven" </em>the reflected idea is that they do not see the sunrise or sunset anymore, thus they are eventually condemned to a total loss of light, that is to say, hope.