->roci sedimentare , de exemmplu : nisip , pietris, argila
->sunt foarte frecvente alunecarile de teren in aceste zone
->sunt format in era neozoic
->Depres. col a Trans: -> are inaltimi > 100 m
-> Pod. Moldoveni -> inaltimi foarte foarte mici
-> Depres. col a Trans ->exista domuri cu metan [CH4]
-> Pod. Moldovei -> nu exista domuri
->Depres.col a Trans-> are depresiuni in munti
->Pod. Moldoveni -> nu are depresiuni , e neted
I think the answer is yes they can approve the decision to cancel Saturday mail but I’m not positive
1 passive 2 passive 3 active
The three main types of volcanoes are as follows:
1. Composite volcanoes: These are also called as strato volcanoes. These are steep and formed by the layers of ashes and lava. The eruption from these volcanoes is in the form of pyroclastic flow. The pyroclastic flow is in the form of superheated mixture which consists of rock dust, ash, and hot steam. These volcanoes can rise above the 8000 feet. These are found in the destructive plate margins. Example of these volcanoes include the Mount Fuji in Japan.
2. Shield Volcanoes: These volcanoes are low and they have gentle sloping sides. These are formed by the layers of lava. Their eruption of lava is non-explosive. These produces the fast flowing fluids that can flow to many miles. These can destroy the nearby surrounding regions can cause injury and even death. These volcanoes are found in the region of constructive boundaries and also at the volcanic hotspots. The examples of shield volcanoes include the Maunaloa on Hawaii.
3. Dome volcanoes: These are also called as acid lava cones as these emit acid which is much thicker than that of the lava. These have steeper sides as compared to the shield volcanoes. The lava is thick and sticky as a result of this it cannot flow to far region and it cools and solidifies. The example of dome volcanoes include the Puy de Dome of Auvergne, France.
During the Paleolithic age, dogs domesticated for the first time. Dogs serve as pets and companions. All dogs descended from wolves that diverged some 15,000 to 40,000 years ago that are less aggressive toward humans.
The large variety of dogs that exist today have different breeds developed by breeders who wanted to establish specific features in dogs.