"Rival Land Claims. <em><u>England</u></em>, France, and the Netherlands became <u><em>early rivals of Spain</em></u> in colonizing the <u><em>North American</em></u> continent," as stated by https://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/connections/parallel-histories-spain/history3.html, which means that england was in fact the first biggest rival in the North American continent.
"The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies. In the terms of the treaty, <em><u>France gave up all its territories</u></em> in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies there," as stated by https://history.state.gov/milestones/1750-1775/treaty-of-paris, meaning <em><u>not just one</u></em><em> </em>colony, but all colonies.
hope this helps! please mark me as brainliest!: )
White, adult males who were property owners.
Respondent, John Abel, was charged with robbing a bank with two other men. In order to discredit Respondent’s witness, the prosecution offered testimony that he and the witness were part of a prison gang that promoted perjury on the behalf of fellow gang members.
Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes because he wanted to send a message to the other Greeks that were thinking of revolting like Thebes did. Thebes and other Greek city-states had a pact with Phillip II, Alexander's father, king of Macedonia, that they would be a part of Macedonia. When Phillip died and Alexander took over Macedonia, the Greeks did not want to bow to a 'child' (a 20 year old). Also it had been rumored in the cities that Alexander was dead and it was the perfect time to revolt. That is the reason Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes.