Bloom's taxonomy organizes cognitive abilities according to their level of complexity.
The abilities are arranged in the style of a pyramid, and they are, from top to bottom:
An example would be in writing a literary work.
A person would first remember how to write, remember the words as they are learned during life.
Shortly after, a person would understand the meaning of the words, and would apply that understanding to making analysis about how words relate to each other, and how they are used in different literary pieces.
The person could evaluate then, literary pieces made by other authors, seeking a deeper understanding of those works.
And the highest cognitive ability would be actually creating a new literary work, because doing so requires the mastering of all the previous cognitive abilities.
The basic concepts of socialism are as follows; the main idea is that people should live in an egalitarian society where everybody would contribute as much as he can and take as much as he needs, this would give us a society where everybody would be equally well off and nobody would have less. Everything would also be state owned - this has been a solution that happened in the past.
In my opinion, pure socialism cannot succeed but perhaps using some things from it could be very beneficial.
The Mali Empire collapsed in the 1460s CE following civil wars, the opening up of trade routes elsewhere, and the rise of the neighbouring Songhai Empire, but it did continue to control a small part of the western empire into the 17th century
(Hope this helps)
El hallazgo del esqueleto de Lucy.
Lucy es el nombre de un Australopithecus bien conservado encontrado el 24 de noviembre de 1974 en Hadar, Etiopía. Lucy vivió hace unos 3,2 millones de años.
Lucy constituye el primer fósil relativamente completo que fue descubierto para un período tan antiguo, y revolucionó nuestra percepción de los orígenes humanos, al mostrar que la adquisición del bipedalismo se remonta a menos de 3,2 millones de años, y había precedido en gran medida al proceso de aumento del volumen endocraneal.