That would be D.) New York, Massachusetts and Vermont
A homeland for the Jewish people is an idea rooted in Jewish culture and religion. In the early 19th century, the Napoleonic Wars led to the idea of Jewish emancipation.[1] This unleashed a number of religious and secular cultural streams and political philosophies among the Jews in Europe, covering everything from Marxism to Chassidism. Among these movements was Zionism as promoted by Theodore Herzl.[2] In the late 19th century, Herzl set out his vision of a Jewish state and homeland for the Jewish people in his book Der Judenstaat. Herzl was later hailed by the Zionist political parties as the founding father of the State of Israel.[3][4][5]
In the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the United Kingdom became the first world power to endorse the establishment in Palestine of a "national home for the Jewish people." The British government confirmed this commitment by accepting the British Mandate for Palestine in 1922 (along with their colonial control of the Pirate Coast, Southern Coast of Persia, Iraq and from 1922 a separate area called Transjordan, all of the Middle-Eastern territory except the French territory). The European powers mandated the creation of a Jewish homeland at the San Remo conference of 19–26 April 1920.[6] In 1948, the State of Israel was established.
The outcome of second world war liberated the asian people towards the freedom struggle from the foreign rule.
<h3>What was the foreign rule in India during 20th century?</h3>
The foreigners who ruled india were the Britishers who belonged to England, came in india for trading and ended up ruling for 200 years.
In India freeedom stuggle was started as Mahatma gandhi retuned from africa in 1915 and after 5 years he started with the non cooperation movement with non violence.
Learn more about non cooperation movement here:
1- Critical thinking
2- Gathering of new ideas
3- Questioning the established power
4- Economic crisis
5- Social crisis
Any society that has intellectual production develops critical thinking in pursuit of its own growth. And also in what keeps political forces alert to maintain power or to make a change. In the exchange of ideas, new proposals are generated that promote the change of paradigm. These question the established power as well as society when it is overwhelmed by an economic crisis. Which often leads to riots and social crisis.
French Revolution:
With absolutism in decline economic hardships caused frequent revolts. They take more and more force the ideas of the Enlightenment go against the absolute power and the participation of the clergy in the questions of State. Among the thinkers of the revolution are Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu and Voltaire.