I believe it's the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th answers.
This is the correct answer as to to <span>what extent has the presence of a true coelom in animals changed over the course of evolution:
</span><span>the presence of absence of a true coelom appears to have changed mutliple times during the course of evolution</span>
The Compromise of 1876 was a promise between Republican presidential candidate Hayes and Democrats in Congress. If the Democrats agreed to his election, he would recognize Democratic control of the South. Hayes also included a promise to withdraw troops from the south in his campaign
Abundance of resources = trade/cooperation
Scarcity of resources = conflicts
The more resources you have the more likely a civilization was to get along with those around it, although at the same time if the civilization was weak and had a lot of resources it would be at risk of invasion/attack.
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson envisioned the American economy as one based on agriculture whereby farming agricultural produce formed the mainstay of the economy. The invention of the Gin for instance transformed the states agricultural landscape and led to development of an economy based on agriculture