Here ya go! Hope this helps! Please spell check; mine is being buggy today.
Scruntiny: Watson was used to Sherlock's scruntiny about mysteries.
Inconsequential: Not important or significant. Sentence: The spilled milk seems inconsequential when compared to the murder.
Illuminated: Lit with bright lights. Sentence: During christmas our town is illuminated with decorative lights.
Coveted: Greatly desired or envied. Sentence: The royal robe was a coveted item at the gallery.
I think C but not positive
There is not much of a difference and depends on your preferences as either a reader or a movie watcher
i like the movie more
Answer: d. they were all highly educated
The Anglo Saxons worshipped many gods before they converted to Christianity such as Woden and Thunor. They were also fierce warriors who enjoyed fighting.
They were not always united and had small kingdoms. Each of these kingdoms had its own King who the Anglo Saxons pledged allegiance to which made them loyal to their king and people.
Anglo-Saxons were not all educated though especially after Christianity came along because Latin became a dominant language and most people could not read it.