i dont understand the question your asking can you ask it again in the coments so i can help you?
I hated reading how too kill a mockingbird, Atticus and his sister have completely different meanings of trash. In chapter 23, Atticus and Jem are discussing the outcome of the Tom Robinson trial, and Atticus talks about racial injustice. Atticus then tells his son this,
. . . whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash (Lee, 224).
"<span>We are the dead" is the phrase that </span>Winston repeatedly write in his diary while unaware that he is writing it. This becomes evident to the reader, however, early on in the story.
She is basically excluded from Narnia .
She is Aslan says , "no longer a friend of Narnia .
The Salem witch trials that followed are the subject of Miller’s play. A harrowing example of iniquity and staggering unreason, the tragic proceedings have become a synonym for justice gone mad. In less than a year, they embroiled1 200 individuals, 20 of whom were executed.
the common factor is the inhumane amount of exicutions