Olá. Nenhuma das opções mostradas na pergunta apresentam o resultado de 1,86 - 0,06. Entretanto, se você dividir 1,86 por 0,06, o resultado será 31, ou seja a letra D.
Para resolver essa divisão, você deve começar pelo fato de que tanto o duvisor quanto o dividendo possuem dois numeros depois da vírgula. Nesse caso, você pode desconsiderar a vírgula e, portanto, considerar os numeros 186 e 6. Nesse caso, 186 divido por 6 é igual 31.
Bc they just do.
So they won't get hate for being 1 sided.
It kept people in place and reminded them of there role in society.
The correct answer is <span>c. transported groundwater from a distance
It wasn't the first known use of wells as wells older than them were found in places like Cyprus and Egypt and Austria who were as old as 6000-8000 years before common era. It also wasn't a postindustrial system as it was used in ancient china in the expansion of trading during the silk road trading era. It only leaves C as the correct answer.</span>