Answer by YourHope:
Hi! :)
Question: Which sentence uses a demonstrative adjective that points out something near?
Answer: B)These light bulbs need to be changed!
Have a BEAUTIFUL day~
I believe that the best answer for this question is the Nez Perce War. The War broke out when the U.S. Army pursued 750 Nez Perce, led by Chief Joseph, who were fleeing away from Idaho and towards freedom. The Nez Perce outfought their opponents, but eventually, Joseph formally surrendered. After the war ended, the Nez Perce were shuttled to prisoner of war camps for eight months. Chief Joseph went to see the President to plead his case. Hope this helps.
The answer is the last sentence "Water conservation is important due to the fact that it affects us all."
Animals being in captivity is bad for their instincts. In captivity, animals lose their more wild side that's in touch with their original and natural environment. Unless an animal (specifically whales in this case) is injured and cannot be in the wild, they should not be kept in captivity.