Gun powder was used for military purposes in the 919 A.D. It killed many people in China. It was explosive.
Adding on to what the person above me said, cigarettes can also be very addictive due to the nicotine. Once you start smoking, it can be extremely difficult to stop.
The three powerful dynasties that developed after Alexander the Great's death were. Ptolemy dynasty, Seleucus dynasty and Antigonid dynasty. For Ptolemy dynasty, they were absorbed with the Roman Empire and because their rulers were not effective, they were under control by the Romans in Egypt. For the Seleucus dynasty, they lost control over the Asia Minor against the Roman Empire and was abolished by Pompey the Great. Antigonid dynasty lost their war against the Romans because of the three "fetters" of Greece through three wars.
In the social sciences, materialism signifies a preoccupation with materiality and material processes, and how these contribute to forming the social. ... Both directions of materialism engage with material inequalities, whether it is between different social classes, or between humans and nonhumans.An example of materialism is valuing a new car over friendships.
On the delayed tests 93% vs 13%
In the experiment by Bower and Clark on the story construction technique for memorizing serial lists of words (discussed in class), subjects were tested twice—immediately after studying a list and again after all the lists were presented (delayed test). The story group recalled many more words than the control group on the delayed tests 93% vs 13%