"marriages are good when one party is white and the other person and other is possessed of one eighth or more negro, japanese, or chinese blood."
" separate free schools shall be established for the education of children of African descent; and it shall be unlawful for any colored child to attend any white school, or white child to attend any colored school."
La educación espartana estaba basada en las enseñanzas militares, pero también culturales, y tenía un programa preciso que debían cumplir todos y cada uno de los nuevos espartanos. ... Desde la infancia eran iniciados en ritos ancestrales, cuyo único fin era el de crear fuertes guerreros espartanos.
Life in America during the mid 1800's was very complex. On one hand you have free and enslaved blacks constantly facing prejudice and discrimination in American society. Politicians all over the South used their best persuasion skills to convince white Southerners that blacks were inferior to whites as a means to justify the institution of slavery.
Also happening in America during this time was a huge amount of immigration from countries like Ireland. The Great Famine in Ireland that took place during the 1840's resulted in a huge amount of emigrants (people moving to another country to live there permanently) greatly increased the population of the North. Despite this increase in population, there were still many American citizens who were anti-immigration. This group was known as nativists. These nativists feared that immigrants would come into America, take jobs from American citizens, and would try to change the values of America.
Federalist Party
The Constitution was proposed by Alexander Hamilton, one of the most famous Federalists in America. Hamilton and his party were very adamant about the constitution being ratified in all U.S. states, even without The Bill of Rights, something Thomas Jefferson and the Federalists were highly against. The Federalist party and it's members were the main writers of the Constitution and heavily pushed for it's speedy ratification in the new country.
The Central Asiatic Expeditions took place between 1921 and 1930. Led by Roy Champman Andrews who had a team of forty people, including scientists, drivers and assistants, they managed to collect a lot of objects for the American Museum of Natural History in addition to making many groundbreaking discoveries such as the first dinosaur eggs. However, these expeditions went into Mongolia with the main purpouse to explore the Gobi Desert, seek the ancestry of man (search for fossils of Human ancestors), and study the natural history of the region.