Although there should be choices in this question, many findings in the urinalysis can point out a serious illness as long as it is clinically correlated. The color of the urine such as tea-colored urine may be a sign of obstruction of the biliary tree such that in choledocholithases or stones in the common bile duct. The consistency of the urine such as when it is hazy may indicate infection or albuminuria. Sugars present in the urine may indicate diabetes mellitus. Increased WBC (or pus cells) and RBC in the urine may point to a urinary tract infection (pyelonephritis) or glomerulonephritis. A positive protein in the urine may indicate albuminuria characteristic of nephrotic syndrome.
decreased mass - less energy needed for movement - less carbohydrates required - more available ATP
Solution; Increased muscle mass in athletes will increase the number of mitochondria in body. Mitochondria provides energy to cells of our body so more mitochondria will results in more energy and due to large amount of energy there will be increased cellular respiration and less fatigue, thus athletic performance will be improved.
surface evaporation will occur
where water is converted into gaseous state
when it reaches 100 c the it will boil and faster evaporation occurs