According to sources, the most probable answer to this query is electron transport chain is a step in cellular respiration that is responsible for producing the energy currency of the cell, ATP.
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because different cell types can perform different functions
DNA code is transffered to mRNA in the nucleus through a process called transcription.
Nucleus, the control center of the cell is the organelle which intiates, enables, and manages the various simplex. compound and complex cellular activities. It also stores the DNA of the cell which is then replicated and recopied over a hundredth and thousandth times over through cell division processes. In the nucleoplasm -nucleolus, the inner part of nucleus of a cell is where the DNA to mRNA and to protein; vice-versa happens.
Ok, particle is not a very nice word, no real sense of size associated with it
it can be a group of molecules like a speck of sand
referring to the molecules themselves
or refering to the atoms that make up the molecule
now in terms of phase change,
if we consider a speck- a group of molecules- then solids will expand when heated, however this definition falls flat in terms of phase change
ok, how about molecules, as molecules undergo phase change, the molecules in relation to each other will move apart from one another. Solid- molecules are bonded, Liquids- molecules are close and flow around each other, Gas- molecules are a significant distance from one another. But the increase in size when you heat up a molecule, i would have to say yes. adding heat increases energy which increases molecular vibration which would probably increase the overall average size to some unnoticeable degree.
now standalone atoms are just atoms, if you want to consider the electron cloud as size, then heating it up would negligibly cause the outer move outward. but it really depends on the scale of the question
4 is c and 5 I think is a