1 Vice President
2 Speaker of the House of Representatives
3 President pro tempore of the Senate
4 Secretary of State
5 Secretary of the Treasury
6 Secretary of Defense
7 Attorney General
8 Secretary of the Interior
9 Secretary of Agriculture
10 Secretary of Commerce
11 Secretary of Labor
12 Secretary of Health and Human Services
13 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
--- Secretary of Transportation
14 Secretary of Energy
15 Secretary of Education
16 Secretary of Veterans Affairs
17 Secretary of Homeland Security
The social security administration
The correct answer is Ferdinand Magellan.
He was born in Portugal, in 1480. He studied map making and navigation while he was still a boy. By the time he was in his mid-twenties, he was sailing in large fleets and involved in combats. In the year 1519, with the support of the Emperor Charles V, Magellan set out to find a better route to the Spice Islands. He assembled a fleet of five ships which in spite of numerous problems and Magellan's death, circumnavigated the world in a single voyage.
The union capital wasn't surrounded by hostile territory.
The caravel positively impacted exploration because the caravel made ship travel much easier: It could sail faster. Because it could float in shallow water, sailors (and explorers) could get very close to land without having to leave the ship and He made it to India and opened trade with them. During this time the Muslims had the strongest connection with India and it made them a monopoly in trade. The Portuguese destroyed that idea and became a trade leader with them also.