1. Il ne faut pas perdre le math du championnat.
2. Il faut avoir des bonnes notes en classe.
1. It is half past ten in the evening. (10:50pm)
2. It is two o'clock in the afternoon. (2:00pm)
3. It is a quarter past eight in the evening. (8:25pm)
4. It is a quarter to midnight. (12:25am or 11:35pm)
5. It is six twenty-five in the evening. (6:25pm)
6. it is three in the morning. (3:00am)
During the early Middle Ages, the oriflamme, the flag of Saint Denis, was used—red, with two, three, or five spikes. Originally, it was the royal banner under the Capetians. It was stored in Saint-Denis abbey, where it was taken when war broke out.
Vous is a pronoun used to susbtitute nouns, it translates to "you". Les is an article meaning "the" and is used for plural nouns, like "girls" which is what filles means. Finally, un cadeu is not a pronoun as it translates to "a gift".