García Márquez publicó este cuento en 1962. García Márquez estudió derecho antes de convertirse en escritor. Mientras vivió en Europa, escribió guiones. García Márquez recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1982. Ayer compré Cien años de soledad, pero no comencé a leerlo.
<em>García Márquez </em><em>published </em><em>this story in 1962. García Márquez </em><em>studied </em><em>law before becoming a writer. While </em><em>living </em><em>in Europe, he wrote scripts. García Márquez </em><em>received </em><em>the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. Yesterday I </em><em>bought </em><em>One Hundred Years of Solitude, but I </em><em>didn't start</em><em> reading it.</em>
<em>Algunos </em>translates to "somethings"
<em>Algunas </em>translates to "somethings, but in feminine"
<em>Alguien </em>translates to "someone"
But <u>a</u><u><em>lgo </em></u>translates to "something"
Therefore <em>algo</em> is the correct answer.
Entusiasta Makes More Sense Than The Others and I speak Spanish so I'm pretty confident